Benefits You Can Expect:

  • Clear trauma from the physical & etheric bodies, so you no longer become a match to unwanted circumstances

  • Save yourself years of looping in the same patterns in just a few sessions or sometimes even 1 session on the mat

  • Open up your energy channels and connect you to God

  • Experience the subtle movements of prana within the temple of your body

  • Balance & Heal your masculine & feminine energies

  • Improve your relationships with others

  • Achieve divine union with yourself, with God and facilitate divine union with your Beloved

  • Align with your mission

  • Grounding into the body, learn to trust yourself and the Earth to provide for you as you fulfil your mission template

  • Open your heart & your channels of giving and receiving, creating a microcosmic orbit of divine abundance.

  • Release your throat portal, so you may speak your truth

  • Align with your highest timeline

  • Decalcify & start to open your third eye to receive divine visions

  • Awaken to your sovereignty under God and Reclaim Your Crown as a true divine King or Queen serving your divine mission on this planet.

Social proof: testimonials

Meditation Alone Could Never!


Reclaim Your Crown has single-handedly opened up my emotional, physical and spiritual awareness that meditation could never. It will forever be a tool in my spiritual tool belt. I'm super grateful for your Kriya Yoga contribution, it's helping me on my own path to express myself deeper through my podcast, and everyday life. Thanks again.

I experienced a death and rebirth experience


The course was amazing for my process. I had a death and rebirth experience of deeper layers of my wounded feminine and toxic masculine and about 8 and a half months ago I changed my name to Shekinah. I feel embodiment more and more with my higher self and am now feeling the call to have a quantum fieldwork session with Sundal also.

With no Exaggeration: This System Changed My Life!

Justyna Kondakow

I've always felt like I got in my own way, like I had multiple filters clouding my truest version, that ultimately stopped me from enjoying life in a deeper way. Since practising Reclaim Your Crown, those filters fell away and only exposed the truest essence of me. I have become deeply aware of my body. Feeling where I store certain emotions, feeling how they leave my body and the relief that comes with it. With no exaggeration, this system changed my life. I am forever grateful for the acquired understanding of my body and mind which continues to deepen my spiritual practice. I have less insecurities, karma and everyday it allows me to find the path of being the best version of myself to set an example for others.

It's become an X-men level superpower!


You Know when you start enjoying shadow work cos deep down you know you are healing? And not only that, I've stepped it up a few notches with Reclaim Your Crown. It's become an X-men level superpower! Check it out!

Changed My life!


Reclaim Your Crown already changed my life once and I can't wait to do it again! Kisses from Bangkok! xx

I'm So Grateful!

Sarah Haley Nitta

Since starting the course I have felt my consciousness shift and grow in ways I haven't felt since I started therapy years ago. I'm so grateful!

Give Yourself a GIFT that Your Soul Will Thank You For!

Chico Slimani

Here's an AMAZING programme from my soulfam warrior sis Sundal Roy. Time to change your life! Give yourself a GIFT that your soul will thank you for. Where you'll free your mind and feed your soul. Well done hun! Thank you for being a light in these crazy dark days.

I Really Can't Recommend It Enough!

Kenz Hunt

I have tried so many different types of yoga in my day, so the idea that this particular yoga system would have any new or different effect seemed unlikely. But Sundal kept singing its praises and her course is not very expensive (unlike many yoga courses I have come across!!), so I thought I'd give it a go. Like any health or spiritual practise, you get out what you put in, so don't expect the clouds to part and angels to descend from the sky singing your name after lesson 1. Still, even though I am not as dedicated as I would like to be, despite my very intermittent practice I can feel a noticeable difference when I do these lessons. It is hard to put your finger on, but Sundal is right -- it's like a superhighway. It's a far more direct pathway to feeling "tuned in" or "plugged in" than I've ever experienced with any other yoga or meditation practice. To give a very materialistic analogy (and I apologize in advance to all the non-makeup wearing people out there!), it's like getting a great set of lashes or having your make-up professionally done. If done right, the difference is subtle but oh-so-noticeable. You're still the same person of course, but everything is lit up and somehow you feel better moving through your day, and all the parts that are always there just come together in a more harmonious way. I really can't recommend it enough. In fact, just writing this review is making me want to go get on my mat! Try it and see for yourself!

I am Shedding Layers of Blockages!


It has already had such an amazing effect in the first 3 sessions! I am really shedding layers of blockages and changing so much! Sending gratitude.

I Really Felt The Masculine & Feminine Balancing

Kinga Milek

Wow, I cried a lot at the end and really felt that masculine and feminine balancing. Throughout the practices I continued breathing but didn't feel much was coming up for release apart from yawning all throughout the chakra balancing but at the end I cried properrr and felt like I was releasing a lot of stuff literally having my dad's face in front of my eyes with a childlike look and smile waiting for my approval :,( Big Thank You!

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Housekeeping - Himalayan Kriya Yoga

    • Lesson 1 - Anupaya: Opening up the Spinal Gateways Plus Chakra Balancing

    • Lesson 2 - Sacral healing

    • Lesson 3 - Shushumna Activation

    • Lesson 4 - Anahata & Chakra Anusadhana

    • Lesson 5 - Manipura

    • Lesson 6 - Forehead Portals

    • Lesson 7 - Grounding

    • Lesson 8 - Sacral & Throat Balancing

    • Lesson 9 - Maha Bheda Mudra

    • Lesson 10 - Sahasrara, Reclaiming the Crown

About Himalayan Kriya Yoga

Himalayan Kriya Yoga is a system that was channelled deep in the Himalayan mountains by the immortal Mahavatar Babaji.  It’s a system of dynamic movements, breath, sound (music, chanting & sonic vibrations) that help to detox the physical, emotional and causal bodies of emotional imprints, templates and miasma that helps you rewire your entire system at the causal level.  It is a superhighway of emotional detoxification.

About Sundal

Sundal Roy is a truthseeker, healer, activist and artist who has spent the last 15 years studying various wisdom traditions trying to discover the missing keys to achieving ultimate liberation, self-realisation & sovereignty.  Her work as a successful international model took her to the Indian subcontinent, the land of her ancestors, where she started to practise and study the yogic sciences and later to the healing island of Bali where she was initiated into the system of Himalayan Kriya Yoga by her guru Peewee Sanchez.

“My mission in life is for all human beings to liberate themselves from the mental prisons society conditions us with so we can enjoy healthy and purposeful relationships with ourselves, with others and with God.  In this way, my goal is for all to align with their highest timeline as divine agents for change, for the collective good of all.  It is my honour to bring you these incredible healing tools at this time of great planetary ascension to assist you in your journey, as it has assisted me in mine.”